The evening began with the presentation of a cheque for £500 to Liz Tait of the ‘Friends of Dr. Gray’s’ for their bi-centennial appeal. Liz then said a few words about their appeal. This was followed by the AGM at which there were 4 new members elected to the committee and a re-shuffle of office bearer.
Then the interesting part of the evening: the demonstration by Mr. John Dalton entitled ‘Flowers for summer’. He had asked the club to provide foliage and was presented with a stunning selection, which he used to great advantage and panache in each design.
He started with a low triangle in a tall urn using pink phlox and lavender roses. Next was an all round low arrangement in a large flat container into which he introduced an unusual rose called bright eyes complemented with orange gerbera.
Next we were treated to a stunning extra large gold container with extra large foliage, Charlotte chrysanthemums, and deep purple gerbera. This was followed by a window box style design with orange roses and purple scabies and gerbera.
The final show stopper was a tall pedestal with lavender coloured campanula and carnations with pink antirrhinums, stocks, red roses and scabies. The stage was ablaze with summer flowers colours and smells.